How to convert an email in to a new Matter

Migration Manager's automated Email Capture allows you to automatically capture, match and save emails from Outlook into the relevant Matters in Migration Manager. However if an email has been captured that does not yet have a corresponding Matter created in Migration Manager, you will need to create that matter.

1. View the Captured Emails

In the main toolbar, click the Capture button.

Click the Capture button

2. Review the unmatched emails

The emails which are grouped in the Unmatched section have not been matched and saved to a matter. These emails will remain in this section for the next 45 days or until they are successfully matched to a Matter or selected to be ignored. You now need to review these and ascertain which emails:

  1. Need to be manually matched to a matter;
  2. Which emails need to be converted in to new matters
  3. Which emails can be ignored.

For the purposes of this article we will focus on converting an email in to a new matter.

Review remaining emails

3. Select Email to be Converted

If there is an email in your email capture list from a potential new matter or existing client who is not yet a Matter in Migration Manager, you can convert that email in to a new matter or mark it as a Lead for review later. First, select the email you wish to convert in to a new matter.

Important - If there are multiple emails from the same person / entity, you don't need to convert all of them. You only need to convert one and Migration Manager will then try to automatically match all of the other emails.

Select Emails

4. Right Click and select 'Match'

Next, right click the email and select 'Match' from the context menu.

Select relevant Matter

5. Click New Matter

The Match window will now appear. Click the 'New Matter' button

Click Post to File

The New Matter window will now appear.

6. Enter the relevant matter details

Enter all of the relevant information to create a new matter. When complete, click 'Match'.

7. A new Matter will be created and the email matched to that matter.

8. Complete