Setup User Defined WebLeads
Migration Manager enables users to capture enquiry emails which have been received from a website, identify these emails as leads (referred to as a WebLead) and to convert these WebLeads into a prospect Matter using the data from within the received email. In order for Migration Manager to be able to identify WebLeads, the WebLead Connect preferences in Migration Manager must be set up to recognise these website emails.
Important Note: WebLeads Connect is for use with your own contact Webpage. If you wish to use the General Enquiry Webpage Migration Manager provides, then follow the instructions for Online Assessments.
For WebLeads Connect the webpage you use must be one already attached to your website most websites typically have a ‘contact us’ page which enables someone to send an enquiry to the owner of the website. If you have a website with a ‘contact us’ page, then to set up WebLeads Connect so that a website enquire email is automatically recognised, follow these steps:
1. Identify Fields to be captured
First, obtain a copy of an email that you receive from your website enquiry page. You will need this email so as to be able to identify the fields that are contained within the email.
Example: In the example there are 11 fields within the email (Your email will most likely look different). The following instructions will demonstrate how to use Webleads Connect to teach Migration Manager how to process these emails through the WebLeads page and convert these enquires into a Prospect Matter.

2. Login as Administrator

3. Go to Preferences
On the top toolbar, click Tools, the click Administrative, then click Preferences.

4. Go to the User Defined WebLeads tab
Once the Preferences window appears, select the WebLeads tab, then the User Defined WebLeads tab
The WebLeads Connect tab will now be visible. If you have not previously set up this preference, you will need to first set up a Template.
Note: You can set up multiple Templates to deal with WebLeads you might receive from different websites.
5. Add a new WebLead Template
To add a WebLead Template, click the ‘Add’ button in the bottom right hand corner.
6. The New WebLeads Connect Template builder page will appear.

7. First, give the Template a name, for example, the name of the website that this enquire will be received from.

8. Next, specify what subject line your web enquiry emails contain – Migration Manager uses this email subject line to identify that these emails are from your website.

9. You then need to specify whether Migration Manager should only look for emails with the exact specified subject line or whether it should look for subject lines which contain the specified text. Choosing the second option is more flexible but may result in some false positives.

10. Next you need to specify what date format your website uses.
Note: If your website is hosted in Australia it is likely that the date format will be dd/mm/yyyy. Overseas hosted websites may show dates in a different format and therefore you need to set this preference accordingly – look to your WebLead email to see how dates are shown (if they are shown).

11. If you wish you can specify how any prospect Matter created from a WebLead will record its referral source by selecting from the drop-down list of referral sources. This referral source will appear on the Prospect Cover Page if the Weblead is converted into a Prospect. Note: your list of referral sources will differ from the example

12. Next you must specify where the data in the web enquiry email is located. You will need to review the email to see whether the data is listed next to each heading or on the line below each heading
Example: in the example email shown at Step 1, the data appears on the same line as the heading.

13. If you’re email contains multiple fields that are the same (such as date of birth), you need to specify how Webleads is to handle this (Webleads can only read one of each field type).

14. If your enquiry emails contain a comments section, you must specify at what point the comments section ends so that Migration Manager can determine the text it should read. Again, you will need to look at your email to determine this – for most users choosing the first option will be satisfactory but you may need to test this to determine the best results.

15. Now you must specify what fields from your web enquiry email you wish to import and how Migration Manager is to identify these fields.
Note: Through the WebLeads Connect system, Migration Manager is able to import all of the fields contained within the Prospect Cover Page. Please note however that you do not need to import all of the listed fields and you will only be able to import those fields that actually appear in the WebLead

16. To specify a field, first, choose the piece of information you wish to capture by clicking the dropdown box (again, the available list is based on the Prospect Cover Page).
Recommendation: It is recommended that you choose items in the order that they appear on your enquiry email.

17. Next you must specify the heading which appears in the enquiry email so that Migration Manager can identify it. Then click Add
Important: You must specify the heading as it exactly appears, including any punctuation. In the example the heading used to identify the first name reads ‘ First Name: ‘ which includes a colon.

18. Repeat this process until you have added all of the fields you want to capture from the web enquiry email.

19. To edit any entry, right click the entry and chose ‘Edit’.

20. To remove any entry, click the entry and then click the ‘Remove’ button in the bottom right hand corner.

21. When you have finished adding all the fields you wish to capture, click the ‘Save & Close’ button and then in the main preferences window click “Save & Exit”.
Note: If you want to add more profiles for different webpages repeat the above steps.

22. Any email which is now received from your website which contains the relevant subject line will now automatically be identified as a WebLead in the email capture window.
For instructions on how to capture, process and convert webleads, please see Importing Prospects from WebLeads Connect