Set up Online Webleads in Migration Manager
Migration Manager's Online Webleads allows you to add an assessment questionnaire directly to your website. Before the Online Weblead is able to be added to your website, it must first be activated and setup within Migration Manager by following the instructions in this article.
1. Accessing Webleads Preferences
From the Main Menu, select Tools, then Administrative, then Preferences.

If you don’t have access to this feature, you may need to log into Migration Manager as user Administrator.
Select the Webleads tab.
2. Activate the Portal
If you have not previously activated the Portal in Migration Manager, you will need to attend to that first before you can set up your Online Webleads page. (There will be a notification in the URL Field saying you need to activate the Portal).
For instructions on how to activate the Portal, please see: Setting Up the Secure Client Portal
Once the Portal has been activated, you will see URL links for your Weblead Assessments page and General Enquiry page. These URLs are based on your Portal URL.
Note: the Initial Assessment URL is for the page with all of the different online assessment questionnaires that you have setup. The General Enquiry page is a single page for generic enquiries. You can choose whether to have one or both of this links on your website.
3. Enter the URL redirection for after submission
Once a client completes a General Enquiry or Weblead, you can choose where you would like their web browser to direct to (for example your Website’s Home Page). Enter this Website address in the URL to Redirect to After Submission field.

4. Assign the default Referral Source
When you convert a Weblead in to a matter, you can choose for the Matter to have a default referral source recorded such as 'Website Enquiry'. To set the default referral source, choose one of the options from the referral source dropdown.

5. Terms and Conditions
Prior to the submission of an Online Weblead questionnaire, the person completing the assessment/enquiry will be required to agree to a set of terms and conditions. You will need to create these terms and conditions within the preferences window prior to being able to use any of the online assessment pages. You can choose to create your own terms and conditions, use the default terms and conditions unedited, or use and edit the defaults. If you want to use the defaults, click Use Default.
You will be prompted to confirm that you do in fact want to use the default terms and conditions, and that you are strongly encouraged to review and modify the defaults to fit your particular circumstances. To proceed, click Yes to confirm you understand.

The Terms and Conditions will now be set. You should now edit these Terms and Conditions to fit your circumstances by clicking the Edit button.
The edit window will now appear. Make any required changes and click Save to finish editing.

6. Set the Online Assessment Declarations
Before the end user can submit their Online Weblead to you, they have to agree to a declaration. The Declarations tab allows you to set out the declarations/consents that the user that that the end user must answer . There can be up to 4 declarations/consents on an assessment, and you are able to edit/delete 3 of these - to comply with the requirements of the European Union's GDPR the declarations and consents need to be sufficiently granular to enable informed consent to take place.

To edit a declaration/consent, click on the section you wish to edit and then click the Edit button.

The Edit Declaration Item window will now appear. This window allows you to:
- Set the category of the declaration/consent.
- Set the text of the declaration/consent. Note that on the left hand side is a Field Chooser which allows you to insert specific merge fields in to the declaration such as a link to your Privacy Policy (see How to link your Privacy Policy to the Portal and Assessment App )
Make the required changes and then click Save and Close.

Note: If you don't want to use a particular declaration or consent, leave the Text section blank and the declaration will not appear on the Online Weblead.
7. Select Types of Webleads
Next you will be required to select which types of Webleads you would like to display on your Online Weblead page. Note that by default no options are set, so you will need to select at least one option prior to being able to use the Online Webleads. To set which types of assessments will appear, go to the Online Webleads Types tab and tick which Webleads you want to have appear on your online Weblead page.
Important: Only select those options which apply to the type of visa / appeal / matter that you want to receive enquires in relation to.
When you have finished making your selections, click the Update Web Page button to push the changes through to the website.

Note that you will be prompted to refresh your browser to see the changes. Click OK.

Webpage View
Your Online Assessment page will now present the options you have set in preferences.