Portal Preferences - The 'Portal' preference tab

The secure client portal is a website that allows you to communicate with your clients. You can:

  • Send questionnaires to your clients
  • Send and request documents from your clients
  • Message your clients
  • Let your clients know how their matter is progressing

Before you can use the secure client portal, you will need to set your portal preferences.

Accessing the Portal tab

From the Main Menu, select Tools, then Administrative, then Preferences

Login as Administrator

If you don’t have access to this feature, you may need to log into Migration Manager as user Administrator.

In Preferences, select the Portal tab.

1. Set your Portal Details

You will now need to set your preferences for Portal.

1.1. Check the Portal URL

Portal URL - this is the web address your clients will use to access the portal. This will be based on your company name. eg if your company name is ABC Migration your url would be (and your clients would then go to) https://abcmigration.mmportal.com.au to access the portal.

Note: If you want to use a different url, you will need to contact our Support team to change this (we have done this to stop people taking URLs that they are not entitled to).

Check the Portal URL

This is the logo you want to appear on the top of your Portal website. Click the Select button to choose and add an image file.

Note: The image file must be less than 50kb and we suggest using a jpg file.

Add your Firm Logo

1.3. Set Download Frequency

After your clients have uploaded documents to the Portal, Migration Manager will need to download the documents and add them to that relevant file. We generally suggest you choose to download documents automatically whenever they become available. However, if you have a poor internet connection we suggest you choose one of the other options and download the documents at a time and frequency of your choosing.


Set Download Frequency

1.4. Set whether Clients can send you a Message via the Portal

Migration Manager allows users to send encrypted and secure messages to their Client via the Portal. This setting determines whether Clients can send messages/replies back from the Portal.

1.5. Specify who will receive the downloaded documents - Document Inbox

All documents received via the Portal will be downloaded directly to the relevant file. You can also choose to have associated responsible staff members notified via their Document Inbox that a document has been received from the Portal.

Specify who will receive the downloaded documents - Document Inbox

1.6. Set how long a copy of a document uploaded by your client will remain on the Portal Server

When a document is uploaded by your Client to the Portal it is stored on the Portal Server. Once you download the document in to Migration Manager, a copy of the document will remain on our Server for the number of days specified in this preference. We keep a copy on our server for a minimum of 24 hours in case there is a problem with your original download and you need to re-download it. Once the time period has elapsed the document is permanently deleted from our Portal Server (not your server). The maximum time period that can be set for a copy to remain on our Server is 14 days from the date you first downloaded the document.

Set how long a copy of the document will remain on the Portal Server

1.7. Set how long a copy of a document uploaded by you will remain on the Portal Server

When a document is uploaded by you to the Portal for your client to download, it is stored on the Portal Server. The document will remain available for download by your client for the number of days specified in this setting. Once the time period has elapsed the download link for the document changes to 'expired' and document is permanently deleted from our Portal Server (not your server). The maximum time period that can be set for a copy to remain on our Server is 90 days from the date you uploaded the document.

Set how long a copy of the document will remain on the Portal Server

1.8. Set how long before clearing submitted Web Questionnaires

Set the number of days after a Web Questionnaire has been downloaded by you to be removed from the Portal.
Note:  Once a Questionnaire is cleared, you cannot return it to the client for further processing.  You can however send a new Questionnaire with existing Merged Data from the Matter.

1.9. Set the Default Contact Details to Display

You can set which default contact details the client will see on the Client’s Portal.  

These details can be changed on a Matter by Matter basis by opening the Matter, then going to the RMA tab.

1.10. Choose if you wish to Enforce Multi Factor Authentication for all Portal users

Choose if you would like to enforce MFA (2FA) on all new Portal Activations.  By switching this setting to Yes, all Portal users will be required to setup MFA when they log into their Portal for the first time.  Left as No, Portal users can choose whether to use MFA or not.

2. Set the default Portal Client Logon information/welcome email

When you use the Portal, Migration Manager will generate emails to the client advising them of their logon details. To edit the text of these emails,click on the Portal Email 1 tab:

Email to send portal logon details - when you add a client to the portal, Migration Manager will draft an email to the client to let them know how to logon to the portal. You can customise the email subject and email body if you wish.

Set the default Portal Client Logon information email

2.1. The Subject Line

The Subject line of the Welcome Email will display here.   It can be edited using step 2.3.

2.2. Attachments to be sent with the welcome email.

Each time you turn on the Portal for the client and the Welcome/login Details Email is generated, you can also automatically attach any documents/files you would like to send the client at the same time.

Any attachments already added will appear in the attachments window.  New Attachments can be added in step 2.3.


2.3. Editing the welcome email

Begin by clicking the Edit Button.

2.3.1. Adjust the Subject line

Adjust the subject line accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

2.3.2. Adding Attachments

Drag and Drop any files from their location on your PC into the Attachments section.

2.3.3. Adjust the Email Body

Adjust the Email Body Accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

2.3.4. Save your changes

Once you are done, click Save.

3. Set the default Resend Portal Login Details email

Email to resend portal logon details ('Portal Email 2' tab) - if a client forgets their username, you can resend their username and portal URL. You can customise the email subject, attachments and email body if you wish. Note for security reasons, this email cannot include the password. If the client has forgotten their password, they will be able to reset their password at the portal logon page.

Set the default Portal Client Logon information email

3.1. The Subject Line

The Subject line of the Resend Login Details Email will display here.   It can be edited in step 3.3.

3.2. Attachments to be sent with the Resend Login Details Email.

Any attachments already added will appear in the attachments window.  New Attachments can be added in step 3.3.


3.3. Editing the 'Resend Login Details Email'

Begin by clicking the Edit Button.

3.3.1. Adjust the Subject line

Adjust the subject line accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

3.3.2. Adding Attachments

Drag and Drop any files from their location on your PC into the Attachments section.

3.3.3. Adjust the Email Body

Adjust the Email Body Accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

3.3.4. Save your changes

Once you are done, click Save.

4. Set the default Portal Notification emails

You can generate an email to your client when you have added or changed information on the Portal ('Portal Email 3' tab).

Set the default Portal Client Logon information email

4.1. The Subject Line

The Subject line of the Portal Notification Email will display here.   It can be edited in step 4.3.

4.2. Attachments to be sent with the  Portal Notification Email.

Any attachments already added will appear in the attachments window.  New Attachments can be added in step 4.3.


4.3. Editing the 'Portal Notification Email'

Begin by clicking the Edit Button.

4.3.1. Adjust the Subject line

Adjust the subject line accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

4.3.2. Adding Attachments

Drag and Drop any files from their location on your PC into the Attachments section.

4.3.3. Adjust the Email Body

Adjust the Email Body Accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

4.3.4. Save your changes

Once you are done, click Save.

5. Set the default Portal 'Expiring Items' Notification emails

Migration Manager can send an email to the client when a link for a document you have uploaded to a client is about to expire. These settings allow you to choose how many days before the link expires that a reminder email will be sent and who will receive that email ('Portal Email 4' tab).

Set the default Portal Client Logon information email

5.1. Who should be notified and when.

Select who should be sent the reminder email and how many days before the items expires the email should be generated.

5.2. The Subject Line

The Subject line of the ‘Expiring Items’  Notification Email will display here.   It can be edited in step 5.3.

5.3. Editing the Portal Notification Email

Begin by clicking the Edit Button.

5.3.1. Adjust the Subject line

Adjust the subject line accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

5.3.2. Adjust the Email Body

Adjust the Email Body Accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

5.3.3. Save your changes

Once you are done, click Save.

6. SMS

If you have enabled SMS, you can edit the default message that is generated when new information is sent to the client's Portal ('SMS' tab).

6.1. Adjust the Subject line

Adjust the subject line accordingly.  

6.2. Adjust the SMS Text

Adjust the SMS Text Accordingly.  You can add Merge fields by selecting a Merge Field from the Field Chooser column (1), then clicking the add icon (2).

7. Terms and Privacy

Within the preferences you can set your own terms and conditions of use by your clients of the Portal as well as provide a link to your Privacy Policy.

7.1. Terms and Conditions

To create your own terms and conditions for use of the Portal by your clients, go to the Terms and Privacy tab and then click the Edit button in the Your Terms and Conditions section.

The editor window will now appear. You can now start entering details of the Terms and Conditions you want to have appear.  To use the Default Terms and Conditions, click Use Default Terms and Conditions.

Once you have entered all of your required Terms and Conditions, click Save.

7.2. Privacy Policy

To add a link to your Privacy Policy, insert details of the URL in the 'Link to your privacy policy' field'.

8. Activate the Portal

Once you have set all of the preferences, the Administrator user can activate the Portal. To do this, click Click on the 'Portal Details' tab and click Activate Portal. You will now be able to start using the portal.

Note - if you don't see the Activate Portal button, this may mean that you are not logged in as Administrator (only the Administrator can activate the portal) or that the portal has already been activated.

Activate the Portal

Note.  If you are logged in as user Administrator and the Activate Portal button is missing, this means the Portal has already been activated.

9. Click Save & Exit to finish

Your Portal is now set and up and ready for your first client.

Click Save & Exit to finish