How to send or delete an Encrypted Portal Message
Migration Manager's Encrypted Portal Messaging functionality allows users of Migration Manager to securely communicate with their clients via the Secure Client Portal. All messages which are sent via the Portal are encrypted in both transit and at rest. Encrypted Portal Messages sent from Migration Manager can only be viewed by the intended recipient and are encrypted until the client logs in to the Portal and opens the message - at which point the message is decrypted - and vice versa for messages sent by the client to the Agent/Lawyer.
This article covers how you send an encrypted message from a matter.
Note: You need to enable Client Replies in order for your client to be able to reply to a message. See: How to set up Encrypted Portal Messaging
Sending a Portal Message
1. Open a Matter and click the @ button.
To send a Portal Message, first open the relevant Matter. Once the matter has opened, click the @ Portal Message button on the top right of the Client Detail window.
2. Activate the Portal
If you have not already activated the Portal for this Matter you will be prompted to do so. Click Yes to activate the Portal for this Matter.

As part of the Portal activation, make sure you confirm the Client's email address. Click Turn Portal On and Send Email to activate the Portal for this matter and to send the logon details to the client.

3. The Message Window
The Secure Message window will now appear. It has the following important features:

Clicking the User Options button will reveal the options available for controlling the size of the messaging window and also setting a default signature (see How to set up a Message Signature)

The size control button allows you to expand or shrink the size of the Messaging window.
When sending a message, you will need to ensure that you add a Subject line. This will be displayed in your Client's Portal Inbox when they receive the message.
The Attachments panel allows you to add documents, files etc to the Portal Message either by dragging and dropping the items from the Documents tab (or from anywhere on your computer) or by clicking the paperclip button which will open explorer and allow you to browse, find and attach a file from your computer. See How to send a Letter or Document via the Secure Client Portal

The font control options allow you to modify the font size, colour etc of the text in the body of the Portal Message.

The Word Document Import button allows you to copy and paste the text of a Word document (docx) in to the Portal Message and preserve most of the formatting. To copy and paste the content of a Word Document in to the Portal Message:
- On the Word Document, highlight the text you wish to copy;
- Click Ctrl + C on your keyboard or use the copy function in Word;
- Click the W button on the Portal Message toolbar.
The content will now be copied and pasted in to the Portal Message.
Note that if you copy and paste the content of a Word document in to the Portal Message window without using this W button the formatting will most like not remain consistent.

The Quickparts button allows you to quickly add template text (known as Quickparts) in to the body of the Portal Message. These Quickparts can include things such as signatures (see How to set up a Message Signature) or any other Quickpart that has been set up - see How to use Messaging Quickparts

The body section of the Message window allows you to type in the relevant text that you want to include in your message.
The Request a Document from Client control allows you to create and notify your client of a particular document(s) that you require at the same time as you send the message. This will create a specific checklist for your client in the Portal - see: Requesting a Document from your Client via the Secure Client Portal
You can add a list of the document you require by either selecting from the dropdown (which displays a list of documents from the Matter's Progress tab) or you can create a new item by clicking the + button.

Items requested by you via the Messenger will appear on the Client's Portal under the Documents Required From You section.
The Mark a Progress Item as Complete control allows you automatically tick off items from the Progress tab at the time you send the message. For example, you may have a required activity listed in the Progress tab for notifying the client of the decision. That item can be selected from the dropdown. If the activity doesn't exist yet on the Progress tab for this matter, then you can create and add a new one by clicking the + button.

Ticking the Notify Client Via Email option, will, once you send the Portal Message, generate an email in Outlook that you can send to your client notifying them that there has been a change on the Portal and that they should log on and review the content.
The Cancel button will close the message and delete any changes you have made. The Send button sends the Portal Message to the Client. Using the down arrow next to Send Message gives additional options 'Send Message and Notify Client by Email' and 'Send Message and Notify Client by SMS'.
4. Add Message Content
Using the controls and features mentioned above, type your message and select any relevant additional options.

5. Click Send
When you have finished preparing your message, click Send Message to send the encrypted message to your client.

Using the down arrow next to Send Message gives additional options 'Send Message and Notify Client by Email' and 'Send Message and Notify Client by SMS'.

A copy of the sent message will now appear in the Documents tab.
Deleting a Portal Message
If you have sent a Portal Message by mistake, you can delete it and remove it from the Portal.
1. Find the Portal Message to delete
After the opening the Matter, go to the Documents tab and find the portal message to delete.

2. Remove the message from the Portal
Right-click on the Portal Message and select Remove from Portal.