How to set up Encrypted Portal Messaging
Version Released: Migration Manager Version 8.5.3
Migration Manager's Encrypted Portal Messaging functionality allows users of Migration Manager to securely communicate with their clients via the Secure Client Portal. All messages which are sent via the Portal are encrypted in both transit and at rest. Encrypted Portal Messages sent from Migration Manager can only be viewed by the intended recipient and are encrypted until the client logs in to the Portal and opens the message - at which point the message is decrypted - and vice versa for messages sent by the client to the Agent/Lawyer.
As of Version 8.5.3 of Migration Manager you will have the ability to send messages from Migration Manager to the Portal. However, in order for your Client to be able to reply to those messages from within the Portal you must enable Client Replies.
Note that once Client Replies is enabled, it available on all matter which have been activated for the Portal.
1. Open the system Preferences.
In the top toolbar, go to Tools > Administrative > Preferences

2. Navigate to the Portal Preferences
Once the Preferences window options, go to the Program Level tab and then the Portal tab.
3. Enable Portal Messaging
To enable Portal, tick the Allow Clients to Send you Messages from the Portal option.

4. Save & Exit
To finish, click Save & Exit.