How to handle Portal Refresh Errors
You Migration Manager Secure Client Portal regularly communicates with Migration Manager to send and receive messages, documents and tasks to and from the portal. If this communication encounters an error, Migration Manager will record this error in an error log so it can be viewed and actioned if necessary.
Portal Errors will often resolve themselves without user intervention. Often the error may simply occur because of a loss of connection between the Portal and your application. When this happens, Migration Manager will retry 15 minutes later and will often succeed the second time.
If you see an error in the error log which has occurred some time ago (example an hour ago), but then no errors since, this means the error has resolved itself and can be ignored. It is only if you see that the same error keeps occurring and has not resolved itself that you should contact support.
Checking for Portal Errors
If Migration Manager has encountered any Portal Errors in the last 24 hours, they will be displayed on your Migration Manager Information Bar at the bottom of the screen. If the log says there has been an error, you can click on the icon to display the error.

Viewing the Errors
The Portal Refresh Error window shows you any errors that have occurred during the last 24 hours.

Actioning the Error
If you can see the error has occurred once or twice but has stopped occurring (no further errors in the last 30 - 60 minutes, then the error has resolved itself and no action is required.
If the error continues to appear, then Contact Support for investigation.
Contacting Support
If the error is continuing, click the Contact Support button.

This will bring up the Log a Support Call window and automatically populate your details as well as automatically include the Portal Refresh Errors log file. Complete any empty fields, then click Submit.

A Support Ticket will be sent to Support along with the log file so a Support Technician can investigate and resolve the issue for you.