Updating your Portal Logo
There maybe a time when you need to change/update your Portal Logo. This can be done via System Preferences.
1. Accessing Portal Preferences
From the Main Menu, select Tools, then Administrative, the Preferences.

Then go to the Portal tab.

2. Select a new Logo
Click the Select button to browse to your new Logo.

Browse to the location of your Logo, highlight the Logo and click Open.

We suggest saving your Logo in the Migration Manager (or LEAPMM) folder under the Data\MiscFiles sub-folder. This way the logo can be easily accessed in the future by your team or the Support Department.
Note that the new logo size must not exceed 50kb. We also strongly recommend your Logo file is a jpg file. If the file is another format (example png, tif), when the Portal converts the file to jpg the converted file may become larger than 50kb which will cause issues.

3. Save & Exit.
Once the changes have been made, click the Save & Exit button.

The changes will take effect after approximately 5 minutes, however if you want the change to be made immediately, go to the Documents tab of any Matter and click the Refresh icon (which will trigger a refresh of the Portal).
Note: Some web browsers ‘cache’ the logo so when you go to your portal website it may appear that on your machine that the change has not been made. In this case you may need to clear your browser history to allow the new logo to appear.