Snapshot – File Notes option
The Filenotes option will show you the Filenotes you are responsible for. You can mark these items as complete, send a note to another staff’s Document Inbox regarding an item, or open the Filenote for editing.
The Filenotes options:
1. Show:
- Here you can select the show All File Notes (File Notes and Summary Notes), or just Summary Notes.
2. Sort By:
- Deadline Date
- Creation Date
- Matter ID
- Review Date
3. Search:
- Using this field, you can search Filenotes by Matter ID, Names, File Note Title.
4. Advanced:
- Select this to see Advanced Search options.
Advanced Search Options:
1. Hide Completed. By default Completed File Notes will be hidden. To view Completed File Notes, set this switch to No.
2. My Files Only. Only File Notes where you are the RMA, Manager or Clerk of the Matter.
3. My Responsibility. Only File Notes were you are marked as the responsible person for that particular File Note.
4. User: Here you can select which user to view that user's File Notes. You can also select 'Unassigned' to view File Notes which have not been assigned to any user, or 'TEAM' to view File Notes for All Users.
5. Date Type. Choose which Date Type to filter by. You can choose either Deadline Date or Review Date.
6. Date Range. Based on the above option, select the date range to Search upon. The default dates pull from your main Snapshot range selection.
Using the Filenotes window:
Right Click Options
Right Click on a Filenote for more options.
- Open. Opens the Filenote for viewing/editing.
- Undock. Undocks the current open Filenote from this window so you can continue to view other Filenotes whilst leaving this Filenote on screen.
- Mark as Complete. Sets the Filenote Status to Complete.
- Send To. (RMA, Manager, Clerk, Other). Send this item to the selected Person’s Document Inbox.
- Open Matter. Opens the Matter that relates to that particular Filenote.
- Set as Active Matter. Sets the Matter as Active, but does not open the Matter Window.
- Delete Filenote. Providing you have the correct permissions, you can delete the Filenote
Click on the Expand icon to see summary details of the Filenote.