How to send a Letter or Document via Email
When you have merged a Form in Migration Manager, you will need to send it to the Client for their review. The following article sets out how to send merged Forms via the Secure Client Portal.
1. Generate the Letter or Document
For instructions on how to generate a Letter or Document from a template please see: How to merge a Template Letter
2. Open the Documents tab
Now go to the Documents tab of the matter on which you want to send the merged letter from. Note that merged letters/documents will appear in the Letters Out folder.
3. Select the document, Right Click and select Email To
After you have selected the letter or document you wish to send via email, right click it and from the context menu choose Email To.
4. Select who to Email To
The Email To window will now appear, showing all of the individuals who are linked to this matter along with their email addresses. If you have clicked an email button on a file next to an email address, that email address will appear in the To section. You can add additional receipients by clicking the +Add button next to their name.

Note that if you want to CC or BCC someone, first click the radio button next to CC or BCC, then click the +Add button next to the person you want to add as a recipient.
5. Add a Subject Line
Next add the subject line that you want to have appear on your email. Note that the subject line will include, by default, the matter reference number.

Note: In Preferences, you can set emails to automatically have the subject line based on the name of the letter being sent.
6. Select whether to embed or attached (Word Documents Only)
If you have selected a Word Document (docx), you can choose whether to embed the contents of the document in to the body of the email, or attach it as an attachment.

If you select Embed, the text from the document will be emeded in to the body of an Email.

To attach the document as an attachment to the Email, set the switch to Attach.

When you click Create Email the the document will be attached to the email.

7. Review and send the email
To finish, review the email and then click 'Send'. This will send the email.