How to link a Migrant and Business Sponsor together

Applications for employer sponsored visas require that you designate a Business Sponsor for that matter.

1. Open the Sponsor tab of the Migrant file

First, open the relevant Migrant file and then go to the Sponsor tab.

2. Click "Link a Business Sponsor"

Next, click the 'Link a Business Sponsor' button.

3. Select the relevant Business Sponsor

The Sponsor selection window will now appear. Select the Sponsor you want to link to this migrant and click 'Select'.

Note: If you do not see the Sponsor you require you will need to create a new Business Sponsor. Please see the separate instructions on how to create a new Business Sponsor.

4. The Sponsor file will now open

The selected Sponsor file will now appear and you will be taken to the Nominations tab.

5. Create the Sponsorship (if it doesn't exist already)

To create the Sponsorship you will now need to click the + button at the bottom right hand side of the grid. A box will appear allowing you to choose whether you want to create a New Sponsor or a New Nomination. Click 'New Sponsorship' and then click the type of Sponsorship you want to create i.e. '457'.

Note: You only need to create a New Sponsorship if you are creating a Subclass 457 Sponsorship or a Labour Agreement. For other types of applications which do involve a 3 stage process (Sponsorship/Nomination/Visa) you can select the 457 option. Example: The following example will presume that you are creating a Subclass 457 Sponsorship and that there is not already an existing and current sponsorship recorded in this matter.

6. Create the Nomination

A new sponsorship will have now been created. You can, if you already have the details, proceed to enter in any of the relevant information about the Sponsorship. Next you need to create the Nomination. To create the Nomination you will now need to click the + button at the bottom right hand side of the grid. A box will appear allowing you to choose whether you want to create a New Sponsor or a New Nomination. Click 'New Nomination' and then click the type of Sponsorship you want to create i.e. '457'.

7. Select an available Sponsorship

You will now need to select an available Sponsorship for this business to link the Nomination to. Then click 'Select'.

A business may have multiple sponsorship available to select from. Make sure you select the appropriate one if more than one is shown.

8. Confirm the Migrant to be linked

Next you will need to confirm the Migrant to be linked to the Nomination. Then click 'Select'.

9. Migrant and Sponsor are now linked

The Migrant and Sponsor files are now linked. In the Sponsor file, you can proceed to enter in details about the Nomination.

The Sponsor tab of the Migrant file will now show details about the linked Sponsorship and Nomination.