Send a PDF Questionnaire - via the Secure Client Portal
Although we are introducing more and more Web Based Questionnaires all the time, there are still some questionnaires that are currently only available in PDF format. This section describes how to send a Client Information Questionnaire PDF to a client via the Secure Client Portal.
1. Select the Questionnaire to be sent
1.1. Open the Matter

1.2. On the Tool Bar, click CIQ

2. Complete the Secure Portal message
When the Send a Secure Message Appears, make any desired changes and send the message
- The Subject of your message. The default text pulls from your preferences.
- Attachments. The Questionnaire will be automatically attached to this message. You can add additional attachments if you want using the “Paperclip” or by Dragging and Dropping.
- The Body of the message. The default text pulls from your preferences.
- Request a Document from Client. This will default to the Questionnaire (as you would like it completed and returned). You can add additional document requests at the same time by clicking the down arrow for existing Progress Items, or + sign to add new Progress Items.
- Mark a Progress Item as Complete. This would normally remain unticked because you are sending out a Questionnaire at this stage.
- Notify Client Via Email to Check the Portal. If this option is ticked, then as you send this Portal Message, an Outlook Email will also be generated, ready to send to the client to notify them to check their Portal.
- Send. Click Send to send the Portal Message.

3. Questionnaire Uploaded
Once the Questionnaire has been uplaoded, you can see the item in 2 places:
Progress Items updated
An update will be added to the Client's Progress tab showing that the Questionnaire has been uploaded to the Portal.
4. Client's View
If the Client logs on to their Secure Client Portal, they will see a message in their Inbox containing the PDF questionnaire. There will also be an entry in the list of Documents Required and the option to upload the Questionnaire back via the Portal when complete.
If they click on the message, they will find the PDF ready to be downloaded as well as your message and instructions on how to download and open the PDF.