eMeet – The Online Meeting Request Tool
Migration Manager includes the option to create an Online Meeting Request using either Skype or Jitsi. This feature will create an Email or Portal Message with the meeting invite details and link, ready to send you your customer.
Creating an Invite
1. Open a Matter
Open the Matter to send the Invite to.

2. Click the Send Online Meeting Request icon
Click the Send Online Meeting Request icon at the top-right of the Matter window.
3. Select the Meeting criteria
- Choose if you wish to host the meeting via Skype or Jitsi.
- Select the Meeting Date and Time.
- Select which Timezone the above time is based upon.
- Select the Meeting Duration.

4. Send the Meeting Request
You can choose to either Email the meeting request, or if the client has their Portal Activated, you can send the message via a Secure Portal Message.

5. Sending Via Email
If you choose to send the Request via Email, you will see the ‘Email To’ window appear. Select the recipients, then click Create Email.

An Outlook email will be created. The Body of the email will contain the details of the meeting’s date and time, and a link to the online meeting.
As well as this, the email will also contain a Calendar attachment (.ics file) which both the client and Staff member can use to add to their Outlook Calendar. Once you are happy with the contents of the message, click Send.
Note: A copy of the ics file will also be saved to the Document tab of the Matter (under the ‘Letters Out’ folder).
6. Sending Via Portal Message
Providing the Portal has been activated for this Matter, you can select to send the Request via a Portal Message. When you do so, then the Portal Message window will appear.
The Message will contain the Date and Time of the Meeting, as well as a Link to the online meeting.
The Portal message will also contain a Calendar attachment (.ics file) which both the client and Staff member can use to add to their Outlook Calendar.
Once you are happy with the contents of the portal message, click Send Message to send.

Note: The Portal Message and Calendar file will be saved in the ‘Letters Out’ folder of the Documents tab for that Matter.