How to use a Template File Note - File Note Quick Parts
Within the Migration Manager File Note system, you have the ability to create template File Notes (called Quick Parts) which can be used to add text, questions, links etc to a new or existing file note. This article covers how to use a Quick Part that you have previously created (for instructions on how to create a Quick Part plese see: How to Create a Template File Note - File Note Quickparts)
1. Open a File Note
To use a Quick Part, you first need to open a File Note. The easiest way to do this is to click the New FN button in the main toolbar.

2. Right click the comments section of the File Note
Next, right click anywhere on the comment section of the File Note. This will bring up the File Note context menu.

3. Select Quick Parts
On the context menu, click Quick Parts.

The Quick Parts window will now appear with a list of available Quick Parts.

4. Select the Required Quick Parts
Tick the Quick Parts that you want to add to your File Note. You can choose as many Quick Parts as you want to add to your note.

5. Select / Ignore "Use as Filenote Title"
If you want to use the Description of the Quick Part as the title of the File Note, tick Use as Filenote title.

6. Click Select
To add the content of the selected Quick Parts to the File Note, click Select

7. Edit the File Note
The content of the Quick parts will now be added to the File Note. You can proceed to continue adding additional content to the File Note.