Log a Support Call Online - How to get Support
A current client of Migration Manager will include access to our support team. The support team's standard hours of operation are Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), 9am to 5pm Qld time. Requests for assistance logged during those times will be attended as soon as possible by one of our Australian support team. Support request logged outside of those times will be attended to as soon as possible on the next busienss day. The following article provides details on how to log a support request:
You can obtain assistance from our Support team by logging a support request via either within Migration Manager or by going directly to our support request website.
1. Logging a Support Call via the Migration Manager Help Menu
1.1. Access the Help Form.
From the Main Menu, select Help, then Log a Support Call Online.

1.2. Enter your Details
The log a support call window will now appear. Insert your details so that we know how to contact you.

1.3. Enter the Description of the error
Next provide as detailed as possible a description about the error you are receiving or issue you are having. The more details given will allow for faster diagnosis which will result in faster resolution times for you.

1.4. Add any Attachments (optional)
A picture really does say a thousand words so including a screenshot or file of the problem can help immensely towards resolving your problems. There are 3 ways to attach files.
1. Drag and Drop
You can simply Drag and Drop a file from its location on your computer into the Attachments section.
2. Browse.
You can browse to the location of your attachment by clicking the Browse button.

3. Pasting a screenshot
If you have captured a screenshot of the problem, you can simply right-click in the Attachment section and select Paste Screenshot.
This will paste the image straight into the Support Call (as an attachment) without you needing to save the screenshot first!

To take a screenshot, we recommend you use Windows inbuilt Snipping Tool. For instructions on how to find and use your Snipping Tool, please see: How to use Windows built in Snipping Tool to Capture Screenshots
1.5. Confirm and Submit
Confirm if you give permission for Support to temporarily access your database to investigate this issue. Allowing temporary access can help immensly in resolving your call. If you choose not to give access, select No. This may limit the amount of diagnosis that can be performed. See our Privacy Policy for full details.
Once you are ready to submit the Support Ticket, click Submit.

Your support ticket will now be lodged with the Migration Manager support team.

Once your ticket is lodged, you will receive an email confirming your ticket has been received and that a member of the support team will contact you as soon as possible.

2. Via our Website

2.1. Complete your Details
Enter in your contact details and provide as detailed as possible description about the error you are receiving or issue you are having.

2.2. Click Submit
When you have recorded all of the necessary information, click 'Submit' to log the support call. A support person will contact you shortly.