Opening a Matter and Search Options
When you open an existing Matter, there are many search options you can take to filter your results. As well as this, you can set default search filters.
Opening a Matter
1. View the most recent 8 Matters.
If you know the Matter ID and it has been worked on recently, you can click the down-arrow just to the right of the Open button to view the last 8 Matters you have had open.
Then click on the Matter ID to open it.

2. Or open the main Open Search window
From the Main Tool Bar, select Open.

The main Open Search window
Main Search options
From the Matters tab, there are a number of filters you can choose to narrow your search.
- Search. The search box allows you to enter search criteria for the Matter ID, Surname, Given Names, Preferred Name or Sponsor Business Name.
- Clients, Prospects, Migrants, Sponsors. Use these checkboxes to narrow your search to a particular Matter Type.
- Also Search For and in. These 2 fields work together to search other fields on the Matter. By selecting a field from the ‘In’ dropdown, you can then also search for values in that field by typing in the ‘Also Search for’ field.
Advanced Search options
By clicking the Advanced arrow, additional options will be available.

- Matter Status. The Matter Status dropdown allows you to select which Matter Statuses you wish to filter by. Primarily the most common are ‘All excluding Closed Files’, ‘All Including Closed Files’. You can also filter by any particular Matter Status as you like.
- My Files Only. This filter allows you to include only Matters where you are marked as the RMA, Manager or Clerk, or search on all Matters.
- Apply Date Filter and Date Range. The Date filter allows you to search by date on particular values against the Matter. The available values are:
- Applicant DOB
- Applicant Passport Expiry Date
- Client Engagement Date
- Current Visa End Date
- File First Created
- Intended Lodgement Date
- Prospects Created
- Weblead Converted
Other Features:
Exporting to Excel.
By clicking the Excel button, the contents of search window will export into an Excel spreadsheet.

Leave this window open.
Selecting this option will make the Open window stay open after you select a Matter.

User options cog.

The user Options will allow you to set permanent preferences for your user when the Open window is selected.

- Default Secondary Filter. This option sets a default ‘Also Search For’ IN value in the open window (example. You may wish the ‘Also Search for’ IN filter to always default to the Matter’s email address).
- Default Status Filter. This option sets a default Matter Status filter in the open window (example. You may wish to always include or exclude Closed files).
- Default Filter by My Files Only. This option will set the default return results to include only Matters where you are marked as the RMA, Manager or Clerk, or include all Matters.
The Document Search tab
The Document Search tab is a powerful tool for searching Migration Manager for a particular document.
The Search Options:
- Search. This field can be used to search documents for the File Name Title, Tag, and if an email, the To and From values.
- Also Search for. This field can be used to filter the search by Matter ID, Surname or Business Name.
- Show. The show option allows you to filter by File Type (example. Emails, PDFs, Word Documents etc).
- Sort. Choose to sort by Date, Reverse Date or by Matter ID.
Advanced Search Options:

- Status. You can choose to filter by the document’s status (example. Incomplete, With RMA, Complete, etc)
- My Files Only. This filter allows you to include only Documents where you are marked as the RMA, Manager or Clerk, or search all Documents.
- Date range From and To. Filter by Date Range to narrow your search.