Create a New Prospect Matter
For each new matter you should create a Matter within Migration Manager so that you can record details about the potential/actual client. Prospect Matters are used in Migration Manager to record information about potential clients who have not formally retained the agent’s services yet. Generally a Prospect Matter will be used for recording initial information from an enquirer or performing an initial assessment. A prospect Matter should not be used as an active Client Matter.
Video Demonstration
1. Click the New button
With your mouse click on the ‘New’ button in the top left hand corner of the screen which will open the ‘New Matter’ window.

2. Select New Prospect
On the lower left hand side of the ‘New Matter’ window choose ‘New Prospect’.

3. Insert the Prospects basic details

4. Check the Matter ID
Depending on your preference settings, Migration Manager will propose a Matter ID for this matter. If you want to have a different Matter ID you can amend it at this stage.

5. Assign the responsible Staff Members
Choose who will be the responsible staff for this Matter. On the right hand side you can click the box which will bring up a window which will allow you to choose the RMA (Registered Migration Agent), Manager and Clerk for this matter.

6. Assign an Office (if applicable)
If you have multiple Offices set up in the preferences, you can assign which Office will be responsible for this Matter.

7. Click Create
To create the Prospect Matter click the ‘Create’ button.

8. New Matter will Open
The new Matter will now open. You should proceed to now enter the information you have available.