Record the Basic Details
A prospect Matter allows you to record basic details about a person including their bio data (name, date of birth, gender), their contact details, their passport details and any current visa. The following instruction guides illustrates the type of information that you can record on the Cover Page of a Prospect Matter. When you first start working on a Prospect Matter you may have all or only some of the information listed below.
Video Demonstration
1. Open the Matter Detail window.
If you have just created the Matter, the new Matter Detail window will open to the Cover Page. The purpose of the Cover Page is to give you an easy location to quickly record basic information about this matter.
2. Insert basic bio-data
Click the Person icon next to the Applicants name.

You should insert any of the basic information that you have about the potential primary visa applicant. Note that any information added to this window will also be replicated under the Applicants tab for this person.

3. Record Contact and Address details
Next insert the known contact and address details for this person including:
- The phone and email details for this person. It is strongly recommended that you specifically record an email address as many features of Migration Manager make use of the email address.
- The residential/physical address for this person. Note that if you want to make use of the Trust Accounting features in Migration Manager you are required to insert a residential address.
- The correspondence address for this person. The correspondence address will be inserted in to any letter or document that you merge in Migration Manager.

4. Record a note about what this matter is about
When first starting work on a Matter, you should consider quickly record any initial information or basic information you have about this matter in the summary file note. For instructions on how to record a note for the cover of a matter, see the following sub-steps (click the chevrons to show additional screenshots).

5. Record file status details
On the top right hand side of the Cover Page, you can record details about:
- The current status of the matter (for details on how to modify this list please see: How to edit the File Status List)
- The referral source (for details on how to modify the option available in this drop-down please see: How to edit the Referral Sources)

You can also click the More button to add any other information that you might wish to record such as different reference numbers that you might use in your office.

6. Record any other known information
The fields in the middle right of the Prospects Cover Page provide a location for you to record down any basic information that you might know about this person which may be relevant to your assessment of their options.

7. Update
When you have finished recording all of the known information about this Prospect, you can close the file by clicking the X in the top right hand corner. You can return and edit the content of this file at any time.