Adding a VEVO user as a separate user
A company may have several Immi accounts, but perhaps only one of these accounts has access to VEVO. In this scenario you may wish to link this VEVO immi account to a particular Migration Manager user for ease of use. This way when VEVO is run, the VEVO immi credentials can be easily selected.
The setup process involves creating a “VEVO” user, allowing other users to access this user’s details, then setting the immi VEVO password for this user.
1. Creating a VEVO user
1.1. Log in as user Administrator.
1.2. Go to Schedules => Users/RMAs
1.3. Click the Add button to Add a new User
1.4. Enter details on the 'Staff' tab
- Enter the user name (example “VEVO User”)
- Enter a password.
- Enter the Surname, Given Names and Preferred Name
- Enter Initials
- Select an Office (any office is ok)
- Set the Questionnaire Return Address to “Default”
1.5. Go to the 'Contacts Details' tab
1.6. Enter an “Internal Email” (this can be any address as it wont be used as such)
1.7. Click Save & Close
2. Setting Permissions
The user is now created, but we need to give it access to eLodge and allow other users to use its details.
2.1. Once you create your user, you will be asked if you wish to set preferences. Click Yes
If you miss this step, you can still access permissions by going to Tools => Administrative => Preferences => User Permissions tab
2.2. Go to the User Permissions tab of Preferences
2.3. Ensure the VEVO User has the permission "Allow Access to eLodge" ticked
2.4. Ensure the VEVO User has the permission "Allow Other User to Use This Immi Account" ticked.
2.5. Click Save & Exit
3. Setting the Immi Account Password
3.1. Log in as the VEVO User
3.2. Open any Migrant Matter (we wont actually be processing any applications)
3.3. Start eLodge. Click the "eLodge Button" on the Main Toolbar
3.4. Select any Visa Subclass, then click "Start Application"
Once again, we wont be processing an eLodge, we just need to trigger the eLodge functionality.
3.5. When the Login Page appears, you will be asked to enter immi details for this user for the first time.
- Tick User Other ImmiAccount.
- Enter the Immi Username and Password which has access to VEVO.
- Tick Make this my default ImmiAccount.
- Then click Login.
ELodge will now Save these immi details against the VEVO User and log you into immi.
At this point the details are now saved in Migration Manager so you can close eLodge and the Web Browser.
4. Using the new Functionality
Now that these details have been saved, you can access them easily during the VEVO process.
When you are logged back in as yourself (or any other user), and you wish to process VEVO just follow these steps.
4.1. Whilst logged in as yourself, open the Matter you wish to perform VEVO on
4.2. Click the eLodge button on the Main Toolbar
4.3. Select the Type "VEVO" and click "Start Search"
4.4. Select the Migrant to perform the Search on, then click "Save & Search"
4.5. Complete the Login Screen
When the ImmiAccount Login window appears:
- Select Use ImmiAccount of Another Person.
- Select the User VEVO User.
- Click Login.
VEVO will now be performed using the credentials from the VEVO User