How to use eLodge to Lodge an ACS Application
Migration Manager has the ability to interact with the Australian Computer Society to lodge online applications. Through the use of Migration Manager’s eLodge system, Migration Manager can speed up the filling out of online forms by opening up the ACS Online Lodgement site through the users installed Chrome browser and then auto filling the various online application fields with information held within Migration Manager.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is the responsibility of all users to ensure that any application that they complete or lodge has been filled out correctly. You should always proof read / check an application before sending it to a client or lodging it to ensure all of the necessary details have been completed correctly. Also note that Migration Manager's ability to populate fields is only as good as the quality of the data recorded in the system.
In order to be able to start an ACS application through eLodge, you must have an Assessment record created on the Applicants => Asmt tab of the Matter. If one does not exist, you can create it by clicking the + Add button.

The Assessment Record should have the following selected:
- Assessing Authority Office.
- Assessment Type.
- Occupation (which will populate the ANZSCO code).
- 'Use in Application'.
As well as this, the Assessment must not have a value in the Lodgement Date, Receipt/Ref No or Decision fields (as this would suggest the Assessment has already been submitted).

Processing an ACS Application through eLodge
1. Open the Matter
From the main Tool Bar, click Open, then select the Matter.

2. Open eLodge
From the main Tool Bar, click the eLodge button.

3. Select ACS and Start
- Select the ‘Application Type’ as Skills Assessment.
- Select the ‘Sub-Type’ as ACS.
- Then select Start Application.

4. Select the Applicant
Choose the Applicant you wish to make the assessment application for, then click OK.

5. Select the Skilled Assessment
Select the Skills Assessment, then click OK.

Chrome will open and to navigate itself to the ACS Website
6. Select your ACS Login Name and click Logon

Note: If you have not saved an ACS Login in Migration Manager before, you can do so by clicking More, then + New Logon.

7. Click Process to submit a new Application
Once you have logged in, click the Process Page button to Submit a Skills Application.

8. Select the ANZSCO and choose the ACS Skills Application Type
Click Process Page to populate the ANZSCO code recorded in Migration Manager, then manually select the ACS Skills Application Type you wish to process. Then click Next.

9. Populate the remaining pages
From Pages 2 onwards, click Process Page to populate the Page, followed by Next to move to the next record or page.

Note: ACS Applications work differently to immi Applications. With ACS applications, as you enter each record, you need to add its Qualification or Experience Document before moving onto the next record.

So the process when completing records such as Qualifications and Experience would be:
- Click Process Page to populate the first record.
- For that new record, click Browse Files or drag and drop to add the corresponding Attachment.
- Click Process Page to populate the second record.
- For the second record, click Browse Files or drag and drop to add the corresponding Attachment.
And so on until all records are complete.