How to hide the Adobe tool panel
When Adobe opens Forms, part of the window is taken up with the use of Adobe's build-in tools panel. This tool panel will cause the view of the document to be smaller. You can change a setting in Adobe to hide this panel by default.
1. Open a PDF in Adobe and in the menu bar go to Edit, then Preferences

2. Go to the 'Documents' preference

3. Tick 'Remember current state of Tools Pane'

4. Click OK to save this preference

5. Important: You must now minimise the tool panel in the open document
It is important that you minimise the tool panel for this setting to take affect on all future pdfs that you open. To minimise the tool panel, click the little arrow and this will minimise the tools panel. If you ever need to reopen the tools panel you can just click the little arrow to make it reappear.