Add/Edit Users
Each user is required to log into Migration Manager in order to access the database. To be able to login a User must have an Account.
The User may also be an RMA. The Registered Migration Agent ("RMA") requires additional details to a normal user profile. The RMA details is a record of the RMA's credentials which forms part of their user profile. Information from the RMA will appear in Forms, eLodge and Letters where details of the RMA are required to be recorded.
To create a User or User and RMA profile, follow these steps:
1. Login as Administrator
Add/Edit Users can only be accessed by the user Administrator or a user with sufficient privileges. Log into Migration Manager.

2. Access Add/Edit Users
From the Main Menu, select Schedules, then Users, then Add/Edit Users.

3. Add a new User
To add a new user, click the +Add button.

The Create a User Account window will appear. This window consists of 7 main tabs

3.1.1. Complete the User section.
Complete the Following Details:
- Enter the User Name.
- Enter the Password and repeat.
- Complete the Name Fields, Prefix and Initials.
- Choose the Position (optional). You can create new poistions by clicking on the link to the right of the field, or by accessing Staff Position Lists via the Schedules menu.
- Select the Hourly Rate (optional). This rate can be used for billing purposes in the Accounts module.
- Office. Select the Office which this staff member will belong to.
- Select the Questionnaire Return Address. If you select “Default”, PDF questionnaires will be returned to the default email address specified in Preferences => Questionnaire Settings. If you select “Individual”, PDF questionnaires will be returned to the user’s external email address (step 3.2.1).

3.1.2. Complete the 'Responsible' section (if applicable)
If this user is also able to be responsible for a Matter (They are an RMA or Legal Practitioner), complete the Details for Responsible.
1. Tick the box This user can be a Responsible on a matter.
2. Click the '+ Add' button.

3. Complete the relevant fields, then click OK.

Note: If you have more than one Registration, set the Registration you wish Migration Manager to use by default as the 'Primary Registration'.
1. Right-click on the desired Registration
2. Select 'Set as Primary Registration'
The Registration will now show a 'Star' next to it to signify this is the Primary Registration to be used in Migration Manager.

3.2.1. Enter the Contact details
- Internal Email address. This is used for logging support calls and emailing information to other staff members. It does not get displayed to clients.
- External Email address. This address is used for eLodge, Form Filling, Client Portal and Letter Merge. If you want to use a general Firm email address instead of the user’s individual email address in these areas, enter the Firm’s email address here. Otherwise enter the user’s email address or tick Use Internal Email to use the Internal email address.
- Complete the Telephone and Fax numbers. If you wish to use the contact number from the Office Details, select Use Office Phone, otherwise select Custom and enter the numbers.
- Complete the Mobile/Cell number

3.2.2. Complete the Business Details
- Complete the Business Name.
- Complete the Web Address.
If you wish to use the Business Name and Web Address from the Firm Details, select Use Firm Details, otherwise select Custom and enter the Business Name and Web Address.

3.2.3. Complete the Business Address
If you wish to use the Business Address from the Office Details, select Use Office Address, otherwise select Custom and enter the Business Address.

3.2.4. Complete the Postal Address
1. Go to the Postal Address sub-tab.
2. Complete the Postal address. If you wish to use the Postal Address from the Office Details, select Use Office Address, otherwise select Custom and enter the Postal Address.
If you wish to copy the Postal Address from the Business Address tab, click use business address.

The Preference tab holds the personal preferences for this user (example. How the Documents tab of a Matter should be displayed for the user). These settings can be changed by the user at a later stage.
3.3.1. Setting Preferences
Highlight the Preference you wish to change and select the dropdown arrow to choose the required Preference.

3.3.2. Using Filters
You can click the Show dropdown to choose to show Preferences for specific modules.

You can also search for particular Preferences by typing in the Search box.

3.4.1. Setting Permissions
Highlight the Permission you wish to change and selected the dropdown arrow to choose the required Permission.

3.4.2. Using Filters
You can click the Show dropdown to choose to show Permissions for specific modules.

You can also search for particular Permission by typing in the Search box.

3.4.3. Setting a predefined Access Level
There are a number of predefined Access Level templates available to help you set permissions.
Choose an Access Level by selecting the dropdown list, then pick a Level which closely matches your new user's requirements. Once the permissions are automatically set, you can scroll through the permissions to make sure you are happy with the selection.

If you wish your user to have Full Access over Migration Manager, simply select the Access Level = FULL.
Use the Reports tab to allow you to set permissions for users to access specific reports. For example, you may wish to block the user from accessing certain Accounts Reports.
3.5.1. Setting Reports Permissions.
Highlight the Report Permission you wish to change and selected the dropdown arrow to Yes or No.

3.5.2. Using Filters
You can click the Show dropdown to choose to show Reports Permissions for specific modules.

You can also search for particular Reports Permission by typing in the Search box.

3.5.3. Setting a default Access Level
There are a number of predefined Access Level templates available to help you set Reports Permissions.
Choose an Access Level by selecting the dropdown list, then pick a Level which closely matches your new user's requirements. Once the Reports Permissions are automatically set, you can scroll through the permissions to make sure you are happy with the selection.

If you wish your user to have all access to all Reports, simply select the Access Level FULL.
The eLodge tab is used to set which accounts (example immi accounts, VETASSESS accounts etc) this user will have access to.
3.6.1. Giving access to a previously entered eLodge Account
Previously entered eLodge accounts will display in the main grid.
- To allow access to this eLodge account, click Access.
- To make this the default account for the user when using eLodge, select Default.

3.6.2. Adding a new account.
If you need to add a new eLodge account, click the +Add button.

3.6.3. Complete the eLodge Account details
1. Select the eLodge Account Type.
- Engineers Australia
- Immi
- VETASSESS Trade Occupation
2. Enter the Username used to log into this account.
3. Enter the Login Password.
(You can click the ‘eye’ symbol to reveal the password).
4. Select the Users you wish to allow access to this Account.
5. Click Save and Close.

The Target tab is used to set Billing Targets for you users. For each month you can specify the number of days the user intends to work and their daily Billing Target.
Note: To enter details on this tab, the user must first be created. At this point, click Save & Close, then Edit the User and return to this tab.

3.7.1. Select the Financial Year
In the Financial Year dropdown, select the year you wish to enter the Targets against.

3.7.2. Enter the monthly values
For each month:
- Enter the Daily Billing Target dollar value.
- Enter the number of days the user is expected to be available to work.

Once all details have been entered, click Save & Close.

Editing Users
To Edit an existing user, from the main Users window, right-click on the user and select Edit User.

For details of the tabs within the user profile, see steps 3.1 onwards.
Reactivate an old user
Note: If the new user is actually an old staff member who has returned, you can reactivate their old user account by clicking the More dropdown, then selecting Reactivate User.

Transfer User Files
To Transfer User Files to another user, see the guide Transfer User Files.