How to Create Fee Codes
Fee Codes are used to set up default standard descriptions and charges for your professional fees. Once you have set up your standard fee codes, you will be able to use them as templates whenever you create New Fees.
There are two types of fee codes:
- Block Fee Codes are used to set up visa based block/stage fees. Migration Manager provides different ‘blocks’ of fees which allows you to break up your overall charge for a visa application in to stages or segments. You can set up a standard description and amount for each block for each Visa Subclass. An example of how you could set up the stages of a matter are:
- Block (Total Professional Fee): This is the total professional fee intended to be charged (no description needed)
- Block 1: Commence matter. Review and process questionnaire data provided by you to us, and prepare a detailed list of documents required from you and any other party.
- Block 2: Receive, review and process documentation and evidence provided by you.
- Block 3: Prepare application and draft supporting documentation/submissions.
- Block 4: Finalise and lodge application.
- Stage 5: Attend to post lodgement matters and decision.
- Other Professional Fee Codes used to set up fees that are not specific to the visa subclasses. For example an Initial Consultation Fee.
1. Open the Fee Codes window
To create a new Fee Code you can either use the Accounts Setup Tool or launch from the main menu.
If you haven't yet completed the Accounts Setup tool, you can create your Fee Codes from the Accounts Setup tool. To access this click the Accounts button in the main toolbar and then select 'Accounts Setup'. For instructions on how to use the Accounts Setup tool please see: How to use the Accounts Setup Guide.
When the Accounts Setup tool opens, click 'Create Fee Codes'.

2. Blocks
Block Fee Codes are used to set up visa based block/stage fees. Migration Manager provides different ‘blocks’ of fees which allows you to break up your overall charge for a visa application in to stages or segments. You can set up a standard description and amount for each block for each Visa Subclass. Migration Manager gives you the ability to specify up to 5 Blocks/Segments for each matter type
2.1. Click the edit button
Once the Fee Code window opens, click the edit button.

2.2. Set the Default Tax Code and viewing Filters
Category. Select the Fee Category you would like to edit. This screen defaults to Visa Applications, but you can also select:
Compliance Skill Assessment
Sponsorships & Nominations - Select the Default Tax Code to be applied for Agent Fees.
- Select if you would like to show ‘Retired’ Matter Types (Redundant Matter Types).
2.3. Enter the Block description and Amount
Next, for each subclass that you want to record a set of blocks/segment, enter the Estimated Time, Fees, the standard descriptions for each block and the amounts to be charged by default (excluding tax - the system will automatically calculate the GST and Inc. tax values using the default tax code).
2.4. Click 'Save' then 'Close'
Once you have finished entering all of the blocks you want to set up, click Save then Close.

If you have made a mistake and wish to revert to the last time this screen was saved, you can click Restore (This will un-do ALL changes since the last time Save was clicked).

3. Other a Fee Codes
Other Professional Fee Codes are used to set up fees that are not specific to the visa subclasses. For example an Initial Consultation Fee. The following instructions set out how to create a new Professional Fee.
3.1. Click the add button
Once the Fee Codes window opens, click the + button.

3.2. Enter Fee Code
The New Fee Code window will now appear. First enter the Fee Code that you wish to identify this Fee by. Your Fee Codes can be a mixture of letters and number but it is recommended that they not be longer than 6 characters.

3.3. Set the Billing Type
There are 3 options for Billing Type
- Flat Rate. This is a flat rate dollar value set in the Amount field below.
- Hourly Rate. If Hourly Rate is selected, the Amount Field below will change to say Hourly Rate and the dollar value can be entered there which will be billed on a time basis per hour or part thereof (based on the units setting in the Accounts preferences).
- User Rate. If User Rate is selected, the rate will be charged at the User’s hourly rate set up under the User Permissions tab within Preferences and once again will be billed on a time basis per hour or part thereof (based on the units setting in the Accounts preferences).

3.4. Set the Default Billing Status
The Default Billing Status will appear when a Fee charge is raised against a Matter. This can be:
- Billable Next Invoice
- Billable Later Invoice
- Not Billable
This will determine if the charge will appear on the next invoice to be raised, or held for future Invoices. The Billing Status can be also manually changed as the Disbursement is entered against a Matter.

3.5. Enter the Description and Details
Next enter the full billing description, the amount of the Fee, the Tax Code and whether the amount includes tax.

3.6. Click 'Save & Close'
To finish setting up the Fee Code, click Save & Close.

The Fee Code will now appear in the Fee Codes list.

4. Close
Once you have finished entering all of your relevant Fee Codes, click Close to finish.