Dept Preferences – The 'Dept' preferences tab

The Dept Preference tab contains details on the Department Name and Acronym as well as Form downloading and eLodge options.

Accessing the Dept tab

From the Main Menu, select Tools, then Administrative, then Preferences

If you don’t have access to this feature, you may need to log into Migration Manager as user Administrator.

In Preferences, select the Dept Tab.

Department Details

From time to time the Department that handles Visa applications changes its name and the associated acronym. In Migration Manager, this department name and acronym are often used in different parts of the program such as Template Letters.

1. Make Changes

To make changes to the Department Name and/or Department Acronym, edit these two fields.

Immi Account Details

Your Immi User Name and Password are encrypted and saved within Migration Manager so when you wish to download the latest Legendcom Forms, Migration Manager can use these details to Automatically log into Immi/Legendcom and download the Forms. If you change your Immi Password, your password will also need to be updated in Migration Manager.

1. Updating your immi Password for Form downloads

Enter your Immi login and Password details for the Immi Account which has your LegendCOM Subscription.
You can also change the download timeout if your site experiences slow internet.

Note: If you use this same Immi Account for eLodge, you will also want to also change your password in eLodge. See: Updating your Immi Password for eLodge

How to handle existing Forms when downloading latest Forms

When Migration Manager downloads the Latest Forms from LegendCOM, you can choose how Migration Manager should handle the existing Forms already in your Forms template folder.

1. Select method

  1. Choose to either move old Forms to an Archive Folder or overwrite without Archiving.

eLodge Settings

When eLodge processes immi applications, you can choose if you would like eLodge to auto-tick all declaration pages in the positive (this can be overridden on a Matter by Matter basis by changing the ‘auto-tick’ option on the Dept tab of a Matter).

1. Changing the Setting

To change the setting, simply tick or un-tick.


Once all adjustments have been made, click Save & Exit.