Batch Import Data
Migration Manager has the functionality to import new Matter records from an Excel (xls or xlsx) spreadsheet. The design of this function is to import basic data only, and is generally meant to be used to import client data from a previous CRM system. To import extensive data we suggest using the Client Information Questionnaire (CIQ).
To prepare for the import, you need to define which columns in the Spreadsheet relate to which fields in Migration Manager.
1. Login as Administrator
To access the Batch Import Data function you will need to first login as Administrator or a user with sufficient permissions.
2. Access Batch Data Import
In the Main Menu, navigate to Tools, then Batch Data Import
3. Select the Spreadsheet you are to import
At the top of the Import window, select the spreadsheet you are to import by clicking the browse button, then click Load Data
4. Set the Field Mappings for each field you wish to import
- Click on the field so it is highlighted (1)
- Then select which corresponding field you want to match to from the “Migration Manager database fields” box (2) and double click to select. In the below example we are matching a Field in our spreadsheet called “Client or Prospect” to the Migration Manager field “ClientOrProspect”.
There are several fields which are mandatory to import and must be specified in your Spreadsheet and Field Mappings
Applicant Given Name
Applicant Surname
LeadPersonID (Value must match the user ID name attached to the Responsible Person, example 'John Smith')
Migrant or Sponsor (accepted values are “Migrant” or “Sponsor”)
Client or Prospect (accepted values are “Client” or “Prospect”)
You can also click the Save Mappings button to save these mappings for future imports.
5. Process the Import
Click on the Import button to import the records from your Spreadsheet
6. Data import will complete
We strongly suggest importing just one record to start with and test. Check that everything has imported correctly before importing multiple records
Available Import Fields:
MatterID | ApplicantResidentialAddressStreet | ApplicantTelephone1 |
ClientOrProspect | ApplicantResidentialAddressStreet2 | ApplicantTelephone2 |
ClientStatus | ApplicantResidentialAddressSuburb | ApplicantFax |
ReferralSource | ApplicantResidentialAddressCity | ApplicantEmail |
ClientEngagementDate | ApplicantResidentialAddressState | ApplicantPassportNumber |
ClientTypeMigrantOrSponsor | ApplicantResidentialAddressPostcode | ApplicantPassportCountryOfIssue |
ClientTypeCorpOrFamily | ApplicantResidentialAddressCountry | ApplicantPassportIssueDate |
VisaApplyingFor | ApplicantOverseasAddressStreet | ApplicantPassportExpiryDate |
SummaryNote | ApplicantOverseasAddressStreet2 | Occupation |
CompanyName | ApplicantOverseasAddressSuburb | EmployerName |
ApplicantSurname | ApplicantOverseasAddressCity | CourseName |
ApplicantGivenNames | ApplicantOverseasAddressState | CourseDetails |
ApplicantPreferredName | ApplicantOverseasAddressPostcode | CourseInstitution |
ApplicantPrefix | ApplicantOverseasAddressCountry | CourseCompletionDate |
ApplicantDOB | ApplicantAddressForCorrespondenceStreet | CurrentVisa |
ApplicantGender | ApplicantAddressForCorrespondenceStreet2 | CurrentVisaExpiryDate |
ApplicantMaritalStatus | ApplicantAddressForCorrespondenceSuburb | ApplicantCurrentVisaTrackInSnapshot |
ApplicantCountryOfBirth | ApplicantAddressForCorrespondenceCity | LeadPersonID |
ApplicantBirthSuburb | ApplicantAddressForCorrespondenceState | ClientManagerID |
ApplicantBirthCity | ApplicantAddressForCorrespondencePostcode | ClientClerkID |
ApplicantOtherCitizenships | ApplicantAddressForCorrespondenceCountry | Office |
If you receive a technical error when trying to open the .xls or .xlsx file within Batch Import Data, then follow the steps in the following link Batch Data Import Errors with .xls or .xlsx files
Below is a video on the Batch Import Process: