Reset User Login Count
Migration Manager has in place a user login count to manage the number of licensed users logged in at any one time. There maybe an occasion however when a license is not released upon the user closing Migration Manager. It is then necessary to run the Reset User Login Count function to clear the licenses.
Warning - Resetting the User Login Count will log off all users and close Migration Manager on all machines. Make sure all work has been saved before performing this action.
1. Log in as Administrator
Reset User Login Count can only be run by the Administrator or a user with sufficient privileges.
2. Access Reset User Login Count
From the Mai Menu, select Tools, then Administrative, then Reset User Login Count.
3. Perform the Reset
You will now receive a warning box advising that if you reset the login count Migration Manager will force all Users out of the program and restart Migration Manager on all machines. Click Yes to Proceed.
4. Migration Manager will now close.
The User Count has now been Reset. Each user will now need to reopen Migration Manager.