Filenotes Preferences - The 'Filenotes' preference tab
The Program Level Preferences allows you to set how Filenotes will operate for all users. The following user article explains how each part of the preferences works.
Accessing the Filenotes tab
From the Main Menu, select Tools, then Administrative, then Preferences.

If you don’t have access to this feature, you may need to log into Migration Manager as user Administrator.
In Preferences, select the Filenotes tab.

Filenotes Preferences
1. Default Dates
This preference allows you to specify whether a Deadline and/or Review date should automatically be set for Filenotes when they are first created and how many days ahead of today that default due day should be. The default setting is for this not to be set.

2. Default Status
This preference allows you specify what the default Status of a Filenote will be and whether there is a requirement that the Filenote must have a Status set before it can be saved and closed. The default setting is for the Status to be blank but that Status must be set before a Filenote can be saved and closed.

3. Default Responsibility
This preference allows you to set who will have default responsibility for all newly created Filenotes and whether the Responsibility on a Filenote must be set prior to a Filenote being able to be saved and closed. The default setting is for the responsibility to be with the RMA and that Responsibility must be set prior to being able to save and close a Filenote.

4. Filenote locked to this User
When adding a comment to a Filenote, if this preference is selected it will lock the initials as shown on the Filenote comment to this user. The default is set to unlocked.

5. Cover Page (Summary Filenote) Order
This preference allows you set the order of the Summary Filenote on the Cover Page. The default setting is for the most recent note to appear in chronological order at the bottom of the cover notes.

6. Filenote Order
This preference allows you set the order of the notes for all Filenotes other than the Cover Page Summary Note. The default setting is for the most recent note to appear in chronological order at the bottom of the cover notes.

7. Status Change Dates
This preference allows you to set what deadline and review dates should automatically be added to Migration Manager when you change the Filenote status to a Status other than complete. The default setting will result in the review date being set one day ahead of the current day when the Status is changed to something other than complete - provided that the review date is not already in the future.

8. Default Font
This preference allows you to set the default font which will be used in all new Filenotes. To change the default font settings click the A button.

8.1. Changing Font
If you open the font changing window you will be presented with a standard Windows font changing tool. Select the Font you would like and click OK.

9. Save and Exit
When you have finished making changes, click Save & Exit.