Making a Client Fund Receipt from a Deposit Request
If a client is sent a Deposit Request, when the funds arrive you can receive this money using the original Deposit Request as a Template rather than re-entering each individual line. This will effectively create a new Client Fund Receipt based on the original Deposit Request.
This document is assuming the Deposit Request has already been created. For details on how to create a Deposit Request, see Request a Deposit.
1. Go to the Client Funds tab
Open the Matter, go to the Accounts tab, then Client Funds sub-tab
2. View the Deposit Requests for this Matter
From the Client Funds tab, click the View Dep. Req. button.
Deposit Requests for this Matter will display.
3. Select the Deposit Request to Receipt
Highlight the Deposit Request you wish to base your Client Fund Receipt on, then click Receipt.
4. Check and complete fields
Most fields will have pre-populated. There are some fields you need to populate
- Payment Type
- Payment Surcharge (if applicable)
Also check the Receipt Total as well as the line amounts match what has been received from your client.
5. Save and Close
Once all details are complete, click Save & Close.
6. Close Deposit Requests
Once you have finished receipting Deposit Requests, click Close.
The Client Fund Receipt will now appear in Client Fund tab.