Request a Deposit
Migration Manager provides the ability for users to request a deposit be paid into their Client/Trust Account and merge a formatted document setting out the specifics of the deposit request. Please note that deposit requests are not formal accounting documents and do not constitute an invoice or a debt owing by the client, and will not affect the balance of the Client Fund account – they are merely a tool provided to the user to request a deposit into the Client Funds in a formatted manner.
1. Open the Client Funds tab
To create a new Client Fund Deposit Request for a matter, first open the matter and then open the Client Funds tab, which is located within Accounts tab.
2. Click New Deposit Request
Next click the New Deposit Request button.
The Deposit Request window will now appear. By default, the form should appear with:
- The Matter Number for the Active matter;
- The name and address of the primary applicant of the Matter in question. If you wish to request the deposit from someone else, click the ‘Select’ button and then choose the relevant entity or person you are seeking the deposit from.
- If you have multiple Client Account bank accounts, you can choose which account you wish to have the deposit made into.
- Status of the Deposit Request. Select the desired Status.
- Draft - Unapproved
- Draft - Approved
- Final - Printed/Sent
3. Record Details
You can now proceed to record details of the Fees, Costs and Disbursments that you want to request a deposit for.
3.1. Select the Item Type
Next, record the type of item you are seeking a deposit to be made for. You can choose deposits to be made for Fees, Disbursements or Costs.
3.2. Select the Charge Code
Now choose the Charge Code for the specific type of item you are seeking a deposit for.
Note: If you have not set up a Charge Code, you may not see any codes listed. Please see the section in this manual on setting up Charge Codes.
3.3. Modify the details
If you have set up Charge Codes, the Description and values will be inserted as stored in the Visa Fees Schedule. You can manually make changes to the values which have been inserted.
3.4. Add any additional items
If you have other items you wish to request a deposit for, you should proceed to list all of these by clicking on the blue space below the previous entry.
3.5. For Disbursements - Record any Payment Surcharge
When you record a request for a deposit for a Disbursement, Migration Manager can calculate the estimated payment surcharge for disbursements that will be made via credit card. It does this by applying the percentage specified in the Payment Surcharge column.
3.5.1. Department of Immigration Disbursements
For Department of Immigration Disbursements, the Deposit request will automatically apply the payment surcharge percentage as specified in the program level Account preferences for the default credit card. See Credit Card Surcharge Disbursement Settings
4. Finalise and Print
Once you have recorded all of the necessary details, you can print and send the Deposit Request.
4.2. Select Print
Click the Print Button.
You will be notified that the Deposit Request will be printed after it has been saved.

4.3. Select how you would like to Finalise the Deposit Request
Clicking on 'Save and Finalise' will save the Deposit Request and generate the Deposit Request document in either PDF or Word format and a copy will be saved to the Documents tab of the matter.
Clicking the arrow next to 'Save and Finalise', then selecting 'Send by Email', will generate the document as above, but will also create an Email containing the Deposit Request, ready to send to the customer.
Clicking the arrow next to 'Save and Finalise', then selecting 'Send by Message', will generate the document as above, but will also create a Portal Message containing the Deposit Request, ready to send to the customer's Secure Client Portal.