How to do a Bank Deposit for Cash/Cheque received into the Client/Trust Account
Payments which have been received by cash or cheque and recorded in Migration Manager will have a status of 'Undeposited' until you generate a Bank Deposit to record that you have in fact deposited the funds in to the bank account. For details on how to record a receipt in to the Client/Trust Account, please see: Receipt a Deposit After all deposits have been recorded in Migration, a bank deposit needs to be prepared for payments which have been received by cash or cheque. The printed bank deposit slip can be taken to the bank instead of having to complete a manual bank deposit slip.

To create a Bank Deposit for the Client/Trust Account, follow these steps:
1. Open the New Bank Deposit window
To open the new Bank Deposit Window, click Accounts in the main toolbar and then click Bank Deposits > New Bank Deposit

The Bank Deposit window will now appear.

2. Select Bank Account
You will now need to select the Bank Account you want to generate a Bank Deposit for from the Bank Account dropdown.

This will now make appear any deposits which have been recorded as having been receipted for the account in question via cash or cheque.

3. Record the date the receipts were banked
If the receipts were banked on a day different to when the Bank Deposit is generated in Migration Manager, adjust the Transaction Date field to record the actual date of banking.

4. Select funds to deposit
Tick the boxes next to the receipts in the table which are to be included in the day's banking.

5. Click Print
You should print a copy of the Bank Deposit to take with you to the Bank. A pop up will appear advising you that a version you can print will be generated after you save and close the window. Click OK to proceed.

6. Click Save & Close
Click Save & Close to finish.

7. View Bank Deposit Slip
The Bank Deposit Slip will now be generated and can be printed by clicking the Print button
8. Receipts will now show as being Deposited
The receipts which have been banked will now change their status to 'Deposited'.