Set up Export to Xero
If you use Xero Accounting Software to run your accounts, you can export general ledger transactions from Migration Manager to Xero, saving you from having to do your data entry twice. For details on how Xero integration works see: Export to Xero - Overview
Before you can export to Xero, you need to set up your general ledger accounts.
1. Login as Administrator, or Another User with Access to Preferences
To set up your general ledger accounts, you must first login as the Administrator or as another user that has access to preferences.

2. Make Sure your Bank Account details in Migration Manager match Xero
Your Office/Operating Account details in Migration Manager must match the details in Xero in order for two programs to be able to communicate with each other. So first you will need to go to Xero and check the details of the operating account set up there. In Xero, go to Settings and then click Chart of Accounts

Review the Bank Account Ddetails in Xero. In particular make note of the details of the Code and the Bank Account name as recorded in Xero.
If the account doesn't exist, you will need to create a new Account by clicking Add Bank Account.
3. Open the Migration Manager System Preferences
In the top toolbar, click Tools>Administrative>Preferences. The Preferences window will appear.

4. Make Sure Your Accounting Basis is Set Up Correctly
Click on the Accounts tab and make sure your accounting basis (Cash or Accrual) is correct. The journal entries exported to Xero for Cash Basis Accounting are very different to the journal entries exported for Accrual Basis Accounting, so it's very important that you select the correct basis. If you're not sure what basis to use, please check with your accountant.

5. Set up your General Ledger Account Codes
Click on the Accounts tab then the General Ledger Codes tab and enter a code for each of the general ledger accounts. In most cases, these general ledger accounts won't yet exist in Xero and you can use any account numbers that fit in with your existing numbering system. However if you have already set up these general ledger accounts in Xero, you should use the same account numbers that you used in Xero.

6. Set your Bank Account General Ledger Codes
Next you will need to give your Office/Operating Account a General Ledger Code that matches the code from Xero (from step 2 above). To set the code, select the relevant bank account and click the edit button in the right hand corner.

The Edit Bank Account GL-Code window will appear. Insert the GL-code found in Xero. Click Save & Close to finish editing the bank account.

The Bank Accounts window will now be updated to show the relevant GL-Code.

7. Export the General Ledger Codes to Xero
When you have entered all of the account codes, click Create these Accounts in Xero.

When you click Create these Accounts in Xero, a web browser will be opened and you will be taken to Xero's authorisation page. If you are not already logged in to Xero, you will be asked to log in. Enter your Xero login details and click Login.

You will be taken to the Xero authorisation page. If you have more than one organisation set up in Xero, select the organisation you want to use. Then click Authorise.
Xero will display an authorisation code. Copy this code and paste it into the Migration Manager window that asks for the Xero pin code. Click OK in Migration Manager.

Migration Manager will export the account codes to Xero. This may take a minute or so. When the export is finished, you will see a message telling you that the accounts were created in Xero. Click OK to this message. If you log in to Xero and look at the chart of acounts, you will see the new accounts.
8. Close the Preferences Form
The setting up of Xero and Migration Manager is now complete. Click Save & Exit to close the Preferences Form.