Receipt a Deposit
When you receive a deposit in to a Client Account, you need to record that deposit and generate a Client Fund receipt. The New Client Fund Receipt allows you to create a receipt for money paid into the client account.
Note if money is paid directly into the office account you should create an Office Account Receipt from the Office Account tab.
1. Open the Relevant Matter and go to the Client Funds tab in the Accounts tab
After you have opened the relevant matter on which you want to record the deposit, go the Accounts tab and the Client Funds tab.
2. Click New CF Receipt
To start creating the receipt, click the 'New CF Receipt' button.

The new Client Receipt window will appear.

3. Record the deposit details

If you have multiple Client Accounts, you can choose which Client Account to record the deposit in.
By generating the invoice within a matter, the 'Received From' section will default to the applicants details. You can however overtype these details with someone elses information.
This dropdown allows you to record the method in which you received payment. Note that certain method types such as cash or cheque may ask you for additional information for audit purposes.

Note that if you choose an option which has a surcharge applicable such as Credit Card, you will be presented with an option to automatically calculate and add the value of the surcharge.

Next record details of what the deposit is for. To do this:
- First click the Matter ID column and it will auto fill with the Matter Number
- Record details of the reason for the deposit
- Record the amount.
- Indicate whether you want to Protect (lock) some or all of the funds. For details on how Protected Funds works please see: How to Protect Funds
- If the deposit amount is made up of different parts, then record each element in the rows available by clicking the 'Click here to add a new row' button.

4. Click 'Save & Close'
To finish recording the receipt of the Funds, you can click Save & Close.
Note that if you want to print a copy of the Receipt, you should click the Print button prior to closing.

5. Protect Funds
If you have ticked Protect for any of the rows in the receipt, after the receipt has closed you will be presented with an opportunity to confirm what amounts are to be protected. You can edit the amount and the reason and when you are finished, click Save & Close

7. Emailing the printed Receipt to the client.
If you chose to print the Receipt during entry, Migration Manager will have also created a Recept document when the receipt was saved and closed at point 5. You can now email the document to the client or upload to their Portal
7.1.1. Find the Document
Go to the Documents tab of the Matter.

7.1.2. Find the Receipt
Find the Receipt which has just been created. This will be displayed as the most recent document in Flat View or under the Accounts folder in Tree view.

7.1.3. Choose to email the Document
Right click on the Document and select Email To...

7.1.4. Select the Recipients
Add the Parties you wish to email the Receipt to, then click Create Email.

An email is now generated to the selected recipients with the attached document.

This option is only available if the client’s portal has been activated. For Portal guides, see the Secure Client Portal chapter.
7.2.1. Find the Document
Go to the Documents tab of the Matter.

7.2.2. Find the Receipt
Find the Receipt which has just been created. This will be displayed as the most recent document in Flat View or under the Accounts folder in Tree view.

7.2.3. Upload the Document to the Secure Portal
Right click on the Receipt and select Upload to Portal.

7.2.4. Complete the Portal Message and Send
Complete the Subject field and Body of your message, then click Send Message.

The message and attached Receipt will be uploaded to the Portal.