Migration Manager - Cloud vs Local Install
This article describes the differences between a Local installation of Migration Manager vs a Cloud installation of Migration Manager.
All versions of Migration Manager consists of 3 main parts:
- An SQL Database. This holds the data for the “CRM” side of the product. Everything you see when you open a Matter (Names, Addresses, Passport details etc) are held within this SQL Database.
File and Folder Storage. This is a physical folder (and sub-folders) which hold all the documents that relate to a Matter (Documents, Forms, Scans, Photos etc).
Various other files are also stored here such as Letter Templates, Form Templates, Questionnaire Templates and some Settings files. - The Migration Manager Application (executable). This is the physical application that allows you to use Migration Manager.
Q: If I use the Cloud version of Migration Manager, do I still need Migration Manager installed on my machine?
A: Yes. In both cases, the Migration Manager program still remains as a locally installed application on your machine. The “Local” or “Cloud” platform is simply where Migration Manager accesses the data from.
The Migration Manager application needs to be installed on your machine so it can interact with your other locally installed applications. Namely:
- Microsoft Office
- Google Chrome
- Adobe Reader
The primary advantage of Cloud is that your machine does not need to be in the same office as the Server (or primary PC) to be able to access Migration Manager.
Local Install
- Your SQL Database is stored on your local Server (or primary PC).
- Your Folder and File Storage is located on the same local Server (or primary PC).
- The Migration Manager Application is install on each local machine, these machines then access SQL Data and File Storage from the local Sever (or primary PC) via your local network.

Cloud Install
- Your SQL Database is hosted on Migration Manager's 'Microsoft Azure SQL Cloud Server'.
- Your Folder and File Storage is hosted on your choice of Cloud File Storage (Dropbox, Google Drive etc).
- The Migration Manager Application can then be installed on machines inside and outside the office environment. These machines then use an internet connection to access SQL Data via 'Microsoft Azure SQL Cloud Server' and File Storage via your choice of Cloud File Storage.
Migration Manager for Cloud is not a solution for everyone. The Cloud version of Migration Manager does require a good connection to the Internet. Users with a good ADSL2 connection or better will find no speed difference between running Locally or via Cloud. Clients with a poor internet connection will find the response of the product will be slower than running a local install.