Reporting in MM
MM’s reporting function can be a great way to generate detailed reports on your client base. MM has a broad range of reporting functionality that can help you identify your clients based on information contained in your MM database that enables you to export the information into an Excel spreadsheet for your records and/or distribution to your team. It can be useful tool for file management activities, identify clients with certain values recorded in MM, and statistical purposes, which could be valuable for business planning.
There are many scenarios that the MM Reporting function that can be used in your workflow. Below I have provided a brief list of reports that RMA’s and lawyers are running from MM.
Client emails for a mail-out
This report extracts the name and email address from your clients in order to notify current clients of office closure over the Christmas and New Year period through a mail-merge process.
A report that identifies all active clients, their preferred name, the visa application in process, or lodged their contact email address.

Report Result example

Report Results imported into Excel

Identifying clients allocated to a particular staff member
This type of report can be run as weekly workload reports or used as leave handover notes template.
A report that identifies all active clients allocated to a particular staff member or team, the status of the application, visa type, and visa expiry.

Report Results Example

Report Results imported into Excel

Identifying clients located in a particular country
If there has been a change in Legislation, Policy, or circumstances, you can run a report to identify clients who may be impacted in order to notify them.
A report that identifies all active clients located in a particular country.

Identifying clients who have made an application for a particular type of visa
This report is used to identify clients who have an application in process or lodged. This type of report would have been very useful when the Department of Home Affairs made significant changes to the subclass 457 visa and the introduction of the TSS subclass 482 visa.
A report that identifies all active clients who plan to make or have made an application for a particular visa.

Client Information Missing
This report is used to identify client files that do not have the basic information recorded. This would be used for the internal auditing process.
A report that identifies all active clients who do not have certain fields blank.

Report Results

Report Results imported into Excel

MM Reports can easily be created based on the information you require. Reports can be saved so that you can quickly run them regularly. Once you have the information in Excel, you can use the suite of formulas to analyse the data, sort/filter and distribute it to your team or to your client (specifically Business Sponsors).
For detailed instructions on how to generate tailored reports in MM, please refer to the MM User Manual.
Do you use the MM Report function? If you do, please share what type of reports you run and how they help your workflow.
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