Creating & Recording Referral/ Sources in MM
It may be important to start collecting information on how your clients came to find and use your service as a business. Armed with this information over a period of time, you can identify what referral leads are most valuable to the business, information that will be useful when considering marketing spending and projects to get a greater reach and attract more clients.
MM already has a set list of Referral/ Sources that you can use or modify to ensure that you are capturing this information for prospects and clients.

The Referral/Source section appears on the applicant’s cover page under the File Status. You can select the down arrow to view the drop-down list of the options.
You can add or remove items from the Referral/ Source list easily by clicking on the “…” button to the right of the Referral/ Source data field.

You can add a Referral Source by selecting the Add button, entering the new referral source, and clicking OK.
Please refer to the MM User Manual article titled Referral Sources - How to Create & Edit for further details on this process.