Accounts Basics Webinar Q&A

During the webinar a number of attendees submitted questions which we have collated below along with the answers. Note that as we hold additional webinars on this topic we will update this list with further questions and answers.

NOTE: All information provided in this user manual is general information only and should not be considered as legal or accounting advice. You should always undertake your own assessment/seek independent professional advice regarding your situation and the laws/regulations/rules which apply.

1. Where can I download the Migration Manager Training Version from.

To download the Migration Manager Training Version please go to:

2. How do I log in to the Training Version?

Please follow all of the steps on the instruction page which includes details of how to activate and login: How to Download and Install Migration Manager Training Version

3. How long will the training version be available for practising doing the accounts?

The Training Version of Migration Manager is usually valid for 6 months after the date of activation.

4. Which users can perform accounting functions in Migration Manager?

All users within Migration Manager can perform accounting functions provided they have been given the relevant permissions by the Administrator to perform those functions. For an example on how the administrator sets user permissions please see: User Permissions needed for Bank Reconciliation

5. If I have multiple bank accounts, can I select the accounts to be included in the reports?

A number of the accounts reports (not all) allow you to select which bank account the report is to be based on.

6. Is it correct that if the service is paid for after it is performed, it does not need to go into trust/client account?

This will depend on the jurisdiction in which you operate (see the note at the start of this page). A Registered Migration Agent subject to the Code of Conduct should look to section 313 of the Migration Act and section 5.5 of the Code of Conduct which sets out that a registered migration agent is entitled to be paid after they have given a statement of services (which can be in the form of an invoice) provided that invoice/statement provides the particulars of the service performed (note that this is past tense) and the charges made in respect of that service. As such, if work has been performed, an agent is generally entitled to receive payment i.e. money can go in to the operating account. We also recommend you have a look at part 5.1.8 of the MARA's Client Monies Toolkit which sets out how such a billing/payment process works.

7. Generating invoice numbers, if you have been using MYOB can you use the next inv number that would have been used in MYOB?

When you set up the Accounts System, in the preference window, you have an opportunity to set what invoice number you would like the system to next use after setup has been completed. See section 2 of How to set or edit Accounts Preferences

8. Can you change an invoice number later if the recorded invoice number was wrong

When an invoice is created in Migration Manager, you can continue to edit it provided it has not been finalised. If an invoice has been finalised, its contents can not be changed without first reversing the finalised invoiced. For full details on how you correct mistakes made in a finalised invoice, please see: How to Correct a Mistake on a finalised Invoice (unpaid) - How to reverse an unpaid Invoice or How to Correct a Mistake on a paid Invoice - How to reverse a paid Invoice

9. Can you enter multiple client receipts in one screen without having to go into each  matter?

You can use the 'global' New Client Fund Receipt option to record deposits without having to open a matter first. See: How to Receipt a Deposit against 1 or more Matters - without opening the Matter

10. Can I create a receipt without an invoice?

Yes you can create a receipt without an inovice.

  • In the Client/Trust Account, the receipting of money is unrelated to the existence of any deposit request or invoice. See: Receipt a Deposit
  • In the operating account, you can receipt money without an invoice to pay against by adding a credit line to the invoice. This will create a credit entry on the operating account.

11. So "Client to office" is set  up previously in your accounts set up webinar so I dont need to do any more clicks?

Whilst the bank accounts have been setup at the time you setup your accounts system, each time that you want to move money between your two accounts, you will need to click the Client to Office transfer button. Please see Pay an Invoice - From the Client/Trust Account

12. As payments take some time to receive, is it better to make funds transfers once a week. If so, is there a way for MM to remind and tell us what transactions need moving.

A number of firms do elect to perform certain accounting functions on particular days of the week i.e. generate and issue invoices one week and perform Client/Trust to Office Transfers the following (note that some jurisdictions actually require a certain amount of time must pass between the client being given an invoice and when money can be transferred). The best way to find out what matters have money available to transfer for invoices which have been generated is to use the Potential Client/Trust to Office Transfers Report. This report provides details of all matters on which there are outstanding invoices AND which have money available in the Client/Trust account available to transfer to pay these invoices. For instructions on how to generate an Accounts Report, please see: How to generate an Accounts Report

13. Can we transfer fund from multiple matter at the time same without going into each individual matter?

Yes, you can transfer funds across multiple matters at the one time. See: Pay Multiple Invoices - How to perform multiple Client/Trust Transfers at Once 

14. Is there a report you can run off to do your client to office transfers in one ago through your bank account?

Yes, the best way to find out what matters have money available to transfer for invoices which have been generated is to use the Potential Client/Trust to Office Transfers Report. This report provides details of all matters on which there are outstanding invoices AND which have money available in the Client/Trust account available to transfer to pay these invoices. For instructions on how to generate an Accounts Report, please see: How to generate an Accounts Report  

15. Do you need to have the exact information on the Statement of service as MARA's example?

This is not a specific question we can advise you on and we recommend contacting MARA to confirm what level of detail is needed for compliance - section 7.3 of the MARA published Client Monies Toolkit does however provide a list of things that should be included. The Statement of Service generated by Migration Manager has been designed to show all of the information that the MARA has used in their example.

16. Do the invoices comply with Uniform Law or must I add those details somehow?

Each jurisdiction may have different requirements as to what is required to be presented in an invoice (whilst it is called the Uniform law, it has not been enacted the same in all states and territories). As such you should review the template to ensure that it complies with the requirements in your jurisdiction. You can edit the Invoice template like any of the other template documents by following the instructions set out here: How to edit an existing Template - though note that with Accounts templates that if you see any text with an @@ symbol, you should change this text as it will interfere with the calculations and merge process.

17. Is there some place that summarises/lists how much each client has outstanding?

Yes. Within the Accounts Reports you can generate a report for Aged Debtors (for outstanding payments on an invoice) or Deposit Requests (for a report on requests made and deposits received).